Types of Bowling Balls – All You Need to Know for a Perfect Strike
Buckle up, bowlers of all kinds. Are you ready to take your love for this game to the next level with the perfect type of bowling ball for your style?
Whether you are a professional on the field or just a weekend player, there’s always a particular ball that you can take for a spin. However, do you know where to start keeping in mind that there are various types of bowling balls?
Are you a straight player who wants more control on the lane or prefers a ball with extra pop in the backend? Nonetheless, professional bowling balls can help you pave your way toward becoming the world’s most elite bowler. These high-performance bowling balls will help you hit strikes and spares like a pro.
So, let’s dive in and discover the perfect pick from multiple bowling ball designs to elevate your game and send those pins flying.
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Types of Bowling Balls
Plastic Bowling Balls
Originally, bowling balls were made of rubber. However, plastic took over the game in a concise duration. Plastic bowling balls were the standard choice in earlier days, considering the wooden paths. At the same time, the oil patterns were also less complicated, making it easier to achieve successful hits.
Since lanes and patterns have evolved for the better, getting hold of a plastic ball is unwise. However, regarding plastic as entirely obsolete for the game is wrong. For example, it can still benefit if you are looking to hit right on the spares. A plastic ball can reduce the angles of the pins. At the same time, its reaction or hook is unique compared to other bowling balls.
Urethane Bowling Balls
After plastic, new bowling balls that became the next big thing in the 1990s were made of urethane. This entry marked the beginning of a fresh era in the sport. Playing on dry to medium lane, a polyurethane bowling ball can help you gain control. You might need help to achieve a good hook with this bowling ball on medium to oily patterns.
Despite the sports advancements, which also include increased oil volume, these cool bowling balls are still much more relevant. Many renowned bowling ball brands have a separate section for modern urethane bowls considering their usefulness in the game’s new style.
So, next time do not let dry lanes become an obstacle in hitting all pins in one throw. Grab a urethane ball and hit it in style to impress everyone around.
Reactive Bowling Balls
The reactive resin bowling ball’s entry has transformed the sport like never before. Before its advent, only a few pro bowlers could loft the gutter cap. However, this style has become a norm thanks to these balls. Reactive bowling balls work best for medium to heavy oil paths. Using this ball on-field will give you multiple new opportunities to explore the previously unused areas.
You must know the proper technique for fine-tuning your equipment to achieve this goal. You must adjust the ball’s surface in such a way that it matches the lane’s condition. This approach is commonly known as matching up and can help you improve your strike percentage. It eventually leads you to get better scores and stay one step ahead of your competitor.
Pyramid Bowling Balls
If you want to buy bowling balls that curve effectively, then there is no better option than a pyramid ball. Thanks to its unique design, that results in more excellent spin down the lane. Whether you want to enhance your performance or add more curves to your shots, opt for this bowling ball and see quick outcomes.
You might need help maintaining a straight path, leading to inaccuracy and consistency. Do not worry; overcoming this drawback is more manageable with practice and dedication.
Urethane vs. Reactive Resin: Which Ball Is the Best?
Before starting this bowling ball comparison, you must know that your choice largely depends on your preference and playing style.
Urethane bowling balls have a soft material that can help you get better control of your throw. Hence, this ball is made for you if you are a straight bowler and prefer accurate shots. On the other hand, the reactive resin balls display a more aggressive reaction on the lane. If you are an advanced bowler with a higher speed, then investing in this equipment would be worth it. However, they are the most expensive bowling balls out of all types.
Frequently Asked Questions
Regarding pricing, the quality and durability of low-cost balls might be slightly lower. However, you can still find options of decent quality that last for a longer duration without breaking the bank.
The lifespan of a bowling ball varies between 5 to 10 years depending upon the frequency of its use, bowling ball material, and storage and maintenance conditions. Taking proper care of your ball is crucial if you want to keep experimenting with different bowling variations for many years.
You should have at least two bowling balls, one for striking while you can pick spare pins with the other.
Wrapping Up
The type of bowling ball you choose can significantly impact your performance on the lanes. From the controllable reaction of urethane to the distinctive curving of the pyramid, you have vast options to explore.
Before you land on a ball, you must understand your style and lane conditions to select the right ball. Whether you want a top hook or a balanced reaction, the bowling ball type makes a difference.
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